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 A hollow black folder with thick lines.
[symbol template] black folder (thick lines) | By Petri.
 A hollow black folder with thin lines.
[symbol template] black folder (thin lines) | By Petri.
The black outline of an unlabeled milk carton.
[symbol template] carton drink | By Neon.
lineart of paint spilling out of a silver tube.
[symbol template] color | By Petrichor.
lineart of a cube.
[symbol template] cube | By M.
lineart of a closed manila folder. there is a single white piece of paper slightly visible over the edge
[symbol template] folder | By StelarSymbols.
lineart of a fragment or shard of something like pottery.
[symbol template] fragment / shard | By M.
lineart of a hug.
[symbol template] hug | By Lady.
 A hollow orange folder with thick lines.
[symbol template] orange folder (thick lines) | By Petri.
 A hollow orange folder with thin lines.
[symbol template] orange folder (thin lines) | By Petri.
lineart of two hands, each belonging to a different person, with the tips of the two longest fingers of each hand pressing against each other in a Vulcan kiss.
[symbol template] ozh'esta / Vulcan kiss | By M.
 A hollow red folder with thick lines.
[symbol template] red folder (thick lines) | By Petri.
 A hollow red folder with thin lines.
[symbol template] red folder (thin lines) | By Petri.
 A hollow brown folder with thick lines.
[symbol template] brown folder (thick lines) | By Petri.
 A hollow brown folder with thin lines.
[symbol template] brown folder (thin lines) | By Petri.
lineart of a figure conditioning long, straight hair.
[symbol template] conditioning long straight hair | By Plum.
lineart of a fidget slug.
[symbol template] fidget slug | By Plum.
lineart of two figures hugging, the left one is kissing the right one on the forehead, while the one on the right is smiling.
[symbol template] hug and kiss on forehead | By Lady.
a black outline of a hand with the forefinger tapping the forehead of a smug face.
[symbol template] know | By M.
lineart of a speech bubble above a rectangle where a flag can go.
[symbol template] language | By CC.
 A hollow pink folder with thick lines.
[symbol template] pink folder (thick lines) | By Petri.
 A hollow pink folder with thin lines.
[symbol template] pink folder (thin lines) | By Petri.
two outline hands typing on a keyboard.
[symbol template] type | By M.
 A hollow white folder with thick lines.
[symbol template] white folder (thick lines) | By Petri.
 A hollow white folder with thin lines.
[symbol template] white folder (thin lines) | By Petri.
Dark purple lineart of a round, emoji-like face nervously looking up at their own empty thought bubble that is floating above them. Three question marks (?) are above them. The face has only eyes and a mouth, with two diagonal lines between the eyes almost implying a nose, but not properly defining one. Their eyebrows are knit together and downturned in concern, and their mouth is a wobbly frown. A few sweat droplets run down the side of their face. The lineart varies in thickness throughout, and gives the appearance of brush- or chisel-tip marker.
[symbol template] confusion | By Plum.
An outline drawing of a crayon with no coloring in it.
[symbol template] crayon | By DoctorZero.
lineart of crop top.
[symbol template] crop top | By Plum.
lineart of a slightly warped rectangle like a waving flag.
[symbol template] flag | By StelarSymbols.
lineart of a folding cane.
[symbol template] folding cane | By Plum.
 A hollow green folder with thick lines.
[symbol template] green folder (thick lines) | By Petri.
 A hollow green folder with thin lines.
[symbol template] green folder (thin lines) | By Petri.
lineart of two figures hugging, kissing each other with their eyes closed.
[symbol template] hug and kiss on lips | By Lady.
 A hollow purple folder with thick lines.
[symbol template] purple folder (thick lines) | By Petri.
 A hollow purple folder with thin lines.
[symbol template] purple folder (thin lines) | By Petri.
 A hollow yellow folder with thick lines.
[symbol template] yellow folder (thick lines) | By Petri.
 A hollow yellow folder with thin lines.
[symbol template] yellow folder (thin lines) | By Petri.
